Neuroscientist & writer; cares about mind-control parasites, free will, elegance, consciousness, A.I., and anything which echolocates.

Ph.D. in neuroscience from Stanford University (2014), mentored by Dr. Robert Sapolsky. Researched Toxoplasma gondii, the single-celled feline parasite. You may know the one. Gets into mouse brains and messes around with their fear of cats. (Sort of. Sometimes. Maybe. See New York Times; Atlantic; Scientific American for details.)

Postdoc in ancient genetics, also at Stanford (2015), looking for Toxo in ancient Egyptian cat mummies. (Didn’t find it.)

Essays/profiles on A.I., brains, robots, virtual reality, climate, genetic engineering, cat people, etc. for The New Yorker, Slate, L.A.R.B., and

Wrote NINETEEN WAYS OF LOOKING AT CONSCIOUSNESS (St Martin’s, 2022) about how the brain telling itself stories is a kind of mind control because, really, what’s the difference between a protozoan, an electrode, or a fiction, as long as it gets in there and changes things?

Three years at a neurotechnology startup,, helping the team make non-invasive fNIRS technology.